From CoolOSXapps, there is a handy little application called Pixer, that is simple to use and quite handy for resizing photos (in batch, also). Just drag a group of photos into the pixer icon and a little box pops up asking you for the size you want. There are several shortcuts to the sizing, so no need to worry about determining the right pixel dimensions. For example, drag in just one or as many as you like and enter 50% and Pixer instantly resizes your photos and saves them to the desktop, or wherever you grabbed the photo. If you are in iPhoto, just drag into Pixer, set the size and your done. I find myself wanting small photos for Craigslist uploads, or sending via email, and Pixer gets it done fast. Picasa by Google was my favorite photo programs. Among many great features, you could export to any size, email photos with the choice of what size, and sending to Blogger instantly. iPhoto does great things, but still waiting for the day when Picasa is available on Macs. Picasa does have an Uploader to Picasa Web Albums that integrates with iPhoto, but not the whole enchilada. For now, try Pixer for a quick-fix to shrinking photos one at a time, or in batches.