is a self-publishing site that looks very interesting and will undoubtedly be a success. Blurb is a place to publish your own book, choose the layout, and have Blurb sell it for you. You set the selling price and Blurb sends you the profits after their cut; just as any publisher would do. The process looks simple and there is a noticeable personality to the site that could be fun for those looking to get their ideas to print. The nice thing is you completely control the formatting, layout, and what you want to put in your book. Blurb does offer professional templates designed by those in the industry. You can make a photobook, publish your blog posts, make a scrapbook, write a novel, promote a podcast...Make one copy for yourself or try to make money selling it through Blurb. The site is also making its way to Flickr, a very popular photo-sharing site, so folks can create their books using Flickr photos. Also, the pricing looks extremely reasonable and users have the choice between soft and hardcover. Check out Blurb, and get your manifesto to print (or at least Junior's first steps).