After yet another frustrating baseball season for Yankee fans, it is official; Joe Girardi will be the successor to Joe Torre, as the new Yankee manager. While I am sad to see Torre go, I could not be more pleased with Steinbrenner's decision to hire Girardi over Mr. Baseball, Don Mattingly. While Mattingly was one of the greatest first basemen and hitters for the Bronx Bombers, he does not have the fiery and motivational attitude that Girardi has (in my opinion, of course). Girardi will provide the necessary spark to turn the Yankee's around and that may be exactly what the Yankees need next season. While I have nothing but praise and respect for Joe Torre, I think he was tired of the front office B.S. and pressure handed down from the Steinbrenner family, and think it was time for a change. Torre is rumored to be the next Dodger manager, replacing Grady Little. How nice would a Yankees/Dodgers World Series be? Just like back in the Tommy Lasorda/Billy Martin days...Good Luck to both Joes, and on a side note; adios A-Rod. Hope the $ was worth it.