I assumed everyone used Craigslist when finding an apartment, or selling their T.V., or looking for a gardener. However, I have spoken with several people at work and other such places, and was amazed at the number of people who have yet to discover Craigslist. Therefore, I see it as my duty to point it out to all 3 of my readers so they may pass it along. Craigslist is basically a free online classified ad site that is broken down by major cities and countries around the world. Just last week, the List started breaking up the US states into more regional categories. For example, I live in Colorado, and it used to only be Denver, now they added Ft. Collins, Co. Springs, and the Rocky Mountains (mountain towns..). This is a new convenient feauture. Use Craigslist for everything. Great place to find a job, post your resume, find a date, whatever you can think of and it's all free. It's like Ebay without the enormous hassle of Ebay.
Beware: Lot of hoaxes and spammers posting on craigslist. The site is good at pulling them when discovered, but not an easy task. Just stay away from stupid overnight riches schemes, and my kid was kidnapped and I need bus money to Duluth...
Friday, June 30, 2006
Assuming makes...
Posted by
5:45 AM