From Techcrunch, Firefox has been downloaded over 400 million times over the past three years! That is a pretty impressive feat. Do you think people are getting tired of Internet Explorer? I am convinced that the only people still using IE are those who have no clue that they are allowed to have another browser on their Compaq Presarios purchased at Wal-Mart. For those with a clue, Firefox is truly a great browser that is safe, reliable, and with endless add-ons to do whatever you need. I do feel a little sorry for Opera, which is actually faster than both Firefox and IE, and really a slick browser, but, my allegiance is to Firefox. Although I use a Mac, Safari is merely an afterthought to me, and frankly, I do not feel bad for Apple on this, as their other products dominate my computing experience. Firefox has earned its respect, and it is nice to see that the world is finally catching on to the fact that Microsoft products really do suck, and there are alternatives out there. Although it seems impossible that Microsoft will ever crumble completely, I am convinced that the Redmond gang is a little nervous these days with their current state of affairs in terms of appeal to the masses. People are tired of clunky apps and constant reboots, and kudos to Firefox for providing a browser that works and is actually fun to use. IE will soon be the minority in market share, and MS deserves it for making such crappy products for so long.