Saturday, August 12, 2006


Department of Homeland Security has been working with Microsoft and letting the public know of all the holes in the Windows operating system that needs to be patched. Microsoft has released 12 security patches (at the urgency of DHS) to fix detrimental security flaws. Am I the only one that finds this just a little odd? I'm not a paranoid, conspiracy theory guy but:

  1. Why is DHS so concerned about my internet safety all of a sudden?
  2. Why does Microsoft need DHS to tell them how unsafe and flawed Windows is? Shouldn't MS already have known and automatically fixed the security holes?
Well, maybe we just need to thank DHS for protecting us from hackers and nasty viruses/worms that Microsoft just doesn't seem to care to protect against. Just food for thought and maybe DHS will offer the Yankees solutions for fixing the flaws in their middle relief and A-rod's jitters.